
Category: Services
System: Android 5.0
Program Status: Free
Looking at the file: 189
Bither is an Android application which is a cryptocurrency wallet, hot and cold storage of coins is supported. The current rate on major exchanges is displayed. You can pay for goods, accept and send payments.
Cold wallet
A wallet for cold storage of currency is implemented, which functions fully autonomously. There is a backup function according to a specified schedule. Data can be restored from a file at any time. The archive storage location and schedule can be changed in the settings. To ensure a high level of protection, a digital password and encrypted keys are used. There is its own module for checking the reliability of key encryption, all unsigned transactions are also tracked. Network access is tracked automatically.Hot Wallet
The utility can work in hot wallet mode. It is important to ensure stable network access, which will allow you to access your account from anywhere. Different types of keys are supported, it is possible to save addresses for quick access. Peer to peer network is used, which has a number of advantages.Features
The main panel of the application displays the current bitcoin balance. You can use different fiat currencies for displaying - dollars, pounds, yuan and others. A separate panel displays rates on the world's major exchanges. The project uses open source code and is actively developing. A large number of settings are provided, push-notifications about important events and new deals are supported. A full description of available options and modes of operation can be found on a separate tab. There is a search function and a list of categories.Features
- cold and hot wallets are supported;
- the current exchange rate is displayed;
- user-friendly interface;
- backup function;
- free download.
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