» Android » Network » Services » YummyAnime


Category: Services
System: Android 4.0
Program Status: Free
Looking at the file: 72 899


YummyAnime is a utility that allows you to watch Japanese animated cartoons online. This version of the software is designed for portable Android devices.


The utility integrates a huge base with all sorts of genres of anime. Yes, it is quite difficult to navigate in such a variety, so the developers decided to facilitate navigation and distributed all the content into categories:
  • detective;
  • comedy;
  • drama;
  • action;
  • sci-fi;
  • western;
  • conspiracy;
  • etti;
  • isekai, and more.
It's worth noting that all genres are categorized into three categories:
  • Japanese;
  • classical;
  • others.
If the user can not decide what he wants to watch, the utility provides a function to include a random anime. Also in the utility is implemented TOP-100 cartoons that are popular with viewers. Among the additional features it is worth noting the presence of a search bar, through which you can find the content of interest by name.


The application integrates a player that allows you to watch cartoons in real-time mode. In this player, users can pause playback, rewind the video and adjust the audio volume. Users can manually select the broadcast quality. It is also possible to watch cartoons in very high quality. Quite often before starting to play content, two very short commercials are shown.


  • The main purpose of the utility is to view Japanese animation online;
  • the utility catalog contains more than 50 genres of cartoons;
  • the ability to search for content by title;
  • availability of an integrated user for viewing cartoons online;
  • presence of TOP-100 anime, which is compiled based on the opinion of users;
  • the ability to manually select the quality of content playback;
  • is distributed on a free basis;
  • support for all modern versions of Android OS.
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