
Category: Streaming
System: Android 4.4
Program Status: Free
Looking at the file: 1 919


One of the most downloaded applications, which is in the top of many program stores for mobile devices. With its help, you can use the Internet to broadcast in real time. In addition to broadcasting, you have the opportunity to watch the broadcasts of other people from all corners of the world. The application is available for download absolutely free. Periscope is one version of a multiplatform broadcasting application. This version is designed for all sorts of devices on which there is android operating system. There are also versions that are supported on Windows devices, as well as devices from Apple. With Periscope you can both conduct and follow the broadcasts of other users. Everyone who has downloaded this software must register to start using it. After registration, you will get a large set of live broadcasts from all over the world. In addition to public broadcasts, you can create private broadcasts, which will be attended only by people invited by you. The application has a very convenient graphical interface, it is much simpler and more logical than in all analogs, including in the Instagram all the important tools are in one place, from which five small tabs are formed. In one of them are the most visited, major broadcasts, as well as just broadcasts of famous people. In the second you have the opportunity to find a map of your city, which will be standing markings in what places are the nearest broadcasts. In the third tab is hidden functionality, which is aimed at changing the parameters of notifications. In the fourth tab there is a menu with the help of which broadcasts are launched from your account. During the broadcast, you have the opportunity to communicate with both viewers and hosts. This service has recently gained popularity and is used for broadcasts by people from all over the world. Perisope already has its own stars, people who steadily collect a large number of users on the streamers. Communication is carried out through the chat, in which the guests of the broadcast write, the host responds to them live. In addition to messages, you can send virtual gifts to the host.


The main feature of this application is the ability to conduct online broadcasts, creating both private and public broadcasts. The application is cross-platform, but this version is designed exclusively for android devices. The interface is very simple and clear, everything is designed in a very logical way.
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