
Category: Recording
System: Android 4.0
Program Status: Free
Looking at the file: 164


RoadAR is a software with a Russian language interface. The utility performs the role of a video recorder. The application also has an option responsible for detecting police equipment. A function is available to upload records to the Internet site YouTube. The application can be used on many versions of Android, starting from 4.0.

Utility functionality

First of all, the mobile program is designed to record video while driving a car. Thus, the utility can replace a real video recorder. It should be noted that the application saves information about time, location of the car, its speed, as well as the nearest road signs. All these data are displayed in the recorded video material. The mobile utility automatically records video footage. The recording process begins immediately after a person starts driving his car. When the car comes to a complete stop, the software will stop recording. At the same time, the user has an option to quickly upload the video to the YouTube platform. This is done by pressing a special button in the interface of the utility. In addition to the above functionality, the utility is able to perform the role of a police equipment detector. Thanks to this user can learn in advance about the nearby radars of the traffic police, and thus avoid a fine for speeding.


The software in the process of its work consumes the mobile battery charge extremely quickly. Therefore, the creators of the application advise you to charge your device while traveling by car. In addition, the use of the program leads to significant heating of the gadget. It is worth noting that on some models of phones the utility can not normally record sound. Because of this, there are noises and other defects on the resulting record.


  • Ability to record video footage while traveling by car;
  • Free download and subsequent use;
  • There is a function that warns of approaching traffic police radars;
  • Full-featured work on current versions of OC;
  • The utility quickly consumes mobile battery charge.
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