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Clover Wallet

Clover Wallet
Category: Services
System: Android 5.0
Program Status: Free
Looking at the file: 7 365


Clover Wallet utility for Android mobile devices is a cryptocurrency wallet. It provides safe storage of your digital money in a secure space.

Crypto Wallet

Clover Wallet multi-currency cryptocurrency wallet is open source. The application is compatible with DeFi firewalls, which saves users from having to switch between networks in a universally optimized interface. The utility provides the ability to store and transfer cryptocurrencies via Polkadot, Ethereum, and Binance Smart Chain. It allows you to manage accounts with multiple chains. Similar to the Chatex app, the creation of multiple crypto wallets is available. The program provides a simple and reliable way to interchain cryptocurrency transfers. The utility is compatible with the Metamask crypto wallet. It also provides access to Ethereum, Phantom, BSC, Heco and other platforms.


The program makes it possible to manage digital assets in the Polkadot ecosystem and conduct transactions on different platforms. Users can use private keys and sign money transfers. To use the utility, you need to authorize with an existing account or create a new one. The application supports importing Keystore, Raw Seed and Mnemonics accounts. The crypto wallet has Ed25519 encryption built in. The utility is based on the flutter framework, which is compatible with iOS and Android operating systems. Due to this, you can use your account on different gadgets.

Main features

  • The application is designed to store tokens in a cryptocurrency wallet;
  • there is no fee for downloading and using the utility;
  • simultaneous connection of several accounts is supported;
  • built-in encryption is available;
  • transactions with signature are provided;
  • cryptocurrency wallet is compatible with working versions of Android.
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