
Category: Entertainment
System: Android 7.0
Program Status: Free
Looking at the file: 190
Goodreads is the official Android client from the popular book resource. You can keep track of new releases, discuss books with other users, and keep reading statistics. The program also allows you to buy and exchange books.
Book search
Using the built-in camera, you can scan the cover of a book to upload it to the application. An algorithm will recognize the edition and upload all the necessary information, including reviews. All works are also added to the virtual shelf for easy navigation. If necessary, the list can be edited. Based on user requests, a set of recommendations is generated and displayed in a separate panel. Own selections from representatives of the resource are available. When you go to the page of the book, all the necessary information is available. Published rating, user reviews, author, release date and so on. There are also links to sites for purchasing an electronic or paper version. Resources are opened with the default browser.Communication
To access additional features, you need to create a personal account. In addition to using a standard email-based account, you can use a quick login using your Amazon or Facebook you can discuss publications in thematic groups and under reviews. There is also an opportunity to join the community to find like-minded people. A separate tab allows you to learn about the books that your friends are currently reading. There is a list of recommendations based on friends' books. There is an option to manually send a friend a recommendation for a particular book. This option is often useful if the user cannot decide which book to recommend.Features
- Ability to get a description of a particular book;
- interest groups;
- links to official stores;
- collections of recommendations;
- reading statistics;
- free download.
See also:
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