Category: Players
System: Android 4.1
Program Status: Free
Looking at the file: 251


VMUS - this utility is designed to listen to music tracks that are in the social network VKontakte this is a kind of player that functions on all modern mobile versions of Android with a set of certain tools. The user can listen to music without an Internet connection.

Authorization and features

For the operation of the specified program you need authorization on the service. A user must have his own profile to listen to music tracks. If there is no record, then it must be created. After that, you need to go through the process of authorization in the application with a password and login from the social network. As an additional input, you can use virtual platforms Google и Facebookthe utility helps to synchronize all songs from the social network with their subsequent download for offline listening. It creates a convenient search for finding favorite tracks that are located on the user's page. If desired, you can switch to the active mode of use of the application, when you can enter it only by entering a password and login with further synchronization with the social network. When the list of music ends, the player starts playing them again. If desired, you can use the FAQ section to get additional data about the song.

Distinctive features

The following points can be attributed to them:
  • Designed to play songs from the personal page of a user who is registered in a social network;
  • Music can be "loaded" on an SD card or in the device's memory for convenience;
  • Tracks can be listened to without Internet connection in any comfortable place;
  • Synchronization of the player with the social network is automatic;
  • You can use the utility for free. Downloading also takes place without any payment;
  • It works on phones and tablets with Android version installed.
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