
Category: Entertainment
System: Android 4.4
Program Status: Free
Looking at the file: 212


DailyArt is an informative Android utility that contains a large collection of data about various paintings. You can also read biographies of famous artists and articles about art through the program. The application has an intuitive interface translated into many languages.

Registration and interface

To use this utility, the user needs to authorize through profiles Facebook , Google or Twitter. It is also possible to register an account using a personal e-mail address. The software interface is available in a large number of languages. Among them: French, Russian, Italian, Polish, German, English and so on. You can choose the desired localization in the parameters of the mobile program. Here the user is also allowed to customize notifications and the size of characters in text materials.

Art information

The program provides an extensive database with a variety of pictures. At the same time, new information appears in the utility on a daily basis. Text posts can be divided into several topics. Among them are: museums, biographies of prominent artists, histories of the writing of various paintings and much more. With the help of the utility, a person is able to find out detailed information about many paintings. Among other things, the free application provides information about the place of storage of the object of art, the time of writing, a photo and so on. If desired, the user can share the favorite object with other people. To do this, the application has an option to send a publication about the painting to messengers and social networks, including Viber and Twitter.


  • Support for all modern versions of the operating system;
  • Free program dedicated to fine art;
  • Allowed to add paintings to the collection of favorites;
  • Localization in many languages, including German and Russian;
  • Detailed information about paintings, museums and artists.
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