
Category: Other (System)
System: Windows XP, Vista, 7, 8.1, 10
Program Status: Free
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This software is designed to test and diagnose your vehicle. You can use it to detect all kinds of malfunctions by yourself. This software works only with the original scanner. ScanDoc is an application that together with a special scanner can test your vehicle.

Functional features

The software works correctly with a large number of different cars, regardless of the country of manufacture. There are more than 55 models that ScanDoc can handle without any problems. The application has a standard, basic version, which includes the following set of cars: VAZ, GAZ, Kamaz, IZHB and many other cars produced by the domestic automotive industry. If your car is not included in the standard set, then you will have to buy it separately. The set, which will include almost all cars of one of the brands costs about three thousand rubles. When performing diagnostics, the user independently selects the necessary mode. Information about the car can be provided in the form of a list, or as a graphical scheme. The graphic scheme is easy to understand, as it is more visual. The application has the ability to independently save in a special journal all the checks, as well as diagnostics that were carried out with one car. The report that is provided at the end of the procedure can be printed directly from the application. It is also possible to contact technical support without leaving the application.


Before purchasing this software, it is recommended to purchase a special adapter. You don't need to buy any cables or wires for the adapter, as the transfer of information between it and the application takes place via Wi-Fi network. Which is very convenient, since you will not have restrictions on the length of the wire.

Main features

Simple output of the result, while the user has the ability to independently choose the type, namely text or graphical diagram. The application produces detailed diagnostics of cars, the starter kit includes cars produced by the domestic car industry. For a small fee, you can get access to any other foreign cars. For the program to work, you need to have a special, original adapter that connects to the WiFi network.

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