
Category: Other (System)
System: Android 5.1
Program Status: Free
Looking at the file: 191


JStudio is a handy application that can be used to develop various mobile software. Using internal functions, you can create applications, add-ons with any content, functions and design.


Note that this program allows you to perform development in the Java language, which is actively used to create a variety of mobile software. Using the internal development environment, the user can enter any code that he needs. Advanced functions allow you to work even with those characters that are not provided on the standard virtual keyboard. Note that the written code can be automatically converted into an APK file, which is launched in the execution of the smartphone and installs the program. During development, you can use the most necessary and convenient functions, such as copy, delete, undo and redo actions.


To work on creating applications, you will need to use the built-in development environment. Note that it is based on the Unix operating system. It has the ability to use grep search and find command line. At the same time, there is also a built-in file manager, with the help of which to search for the necessary materials for further development will be much easier. There is an important function of saving the project with the creation of a separate file. This will help to interrupt during work, as well as save your progress in case of failures and other unforeseen circumstances while working on the creation of the utility.

Main features

  • The program is designed for creating mobile software;
  • Uses the Unix operating system to write code;
  • Facilitates code maintenance with copy, undo and redo functions;
  • There is a built-in file manager;
  • The project can be saved at any time.
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