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Today Weather

Today Weather
Category: Other (System)
System: Android 5.0
Program Status: Free
Looking at the file: 125


Today Weather is a free Android utility that gives users detailed and up-to-date information about the weather in different locations. There are data about temperature, wind speed and other things. The application interface contains advertising content.

Weather information

To use the available functionality, a person needs to enable geolocation and give access to it to the mobile program. Then the utility will automatically determine the location of the user. However, a person can choose not to use GPS if desired. Instead, the utility has the option of manually entering the locality that the user needs. When the mobile application receives information about the user's location, it will start showing the weather forecast. At the same time a person will be able to check not only the temperature, but also the atmospheric pressure, visibility range, humidity, wind speed and other parameters. The program displays a detailed forecast for the current day, as well as a brief one for the next ten days. In addition, the software is able to show the time of sunset and sunrise, as well as the current phase of the moon.


In the settings of the free utility, you can specify the preferred services from which weather information will be taken. Among the available options are Dark Sky, Smhi, Open Weather Map, and so on. The user can also change the units of measurement. For example, the mobile application allows you to change the display of temperature in Celsius to Fahrenheit. The program also allows you to select the frequency with which the information about the current weather will be updated.


  • Utility for viewing weather forecasts;
  • Free installation and further application;
  • Network connection is required to update the data;
  • Information about the phases of the moon is present;
  • It is possible to add a widget with the forecast to the desktop;
  • Interface translation is available in many languages, including Russian;
  • Guaranteed work on modern versions of mobile OC;
  • It is allowed to change the units of measurement;
  • The system of notifications is realized.
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