
Category: Other (Network)
System: Windows Vista, 7, 8.1, 10
Program Status: Free
Looking at the file: 8 365


If it is necessary to collect data from different sites and form summary reports on their basis in standard text formats, you can use special programs - universal parsers. One such program is Datacol. The main function of this universal network parser is to collect data on online stores, as well as syntactic analysis (so-called parsing) of bulletin boards and similar sites. This parser analyzes various CMS (DLE, Wordpress, Joomla, etc.). In addition, after collecting information, the program gives a report, and arranging the collected data according to the specified parameters. The forms of the report are different: it and video text files (XML, CVS? XLS), and databases (SQLite, MySQL) when analyzing pictures and other multimedia information. Where should you start? First of all, you need to create a new campaign, and in it list the sites from which data will be collected and the types of this data. For those who have little knowledge of web programming, Datacol Picker will be a good assistant. This is a visual tool for selecting the necessary information. Especially worth noting is the program's ability to work with the search results of Yandex and Google. In addition, it is able to analyze Internet resources and form lists of incoming and outgoing links. In short, a great assistant to both webmasters and SEO. Also note that sometimes it may be necessary to use external services to recognize "captcha". However, the collection of database data alone

To summarize, let's emphasize the main features of the program

- Datacol is engaged in collecting information on the Internet, and then based on it forms reports or databases; - Able to work with different CMS; - There is Datacol Picker - a tool that will help to make a visual selection of data included in the parsing campaign; - It is possible to maintain multiple parsing campaigns for a number of resources; - A large selection of additional plug-ins, including for interaction with specific Internet resources.
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