
Category: Education and e-books
System: Android 5.0
Program Status: Free
Looking at the file: 245
Socratic is an Android application for solving problems and finding answers to questions from the school program. All basic subjects are supported, you can get a step-by-step explanation. To download data, just take a picture of the condition with the camera, the text will be recognized automatically.
Searching for answers
The device's regular camera is used to load the problem condition - it is enough to take a picture of the desired area. If necessary, the boundaries can be manually changed. Built-in algorithms will recognize the text and start solving the problem. After the processing is completed, the answer is displayed. In a separate block there is a step-by-step solution, there is a function for copying to another file. At the time of publication, the following subjects are supported:- History;
- mathematics;
- biology;
- trigonometry;
- chemistry;
- physics;
- literature.
A separate section allows you to access the tutorials. You can quickly find the desired section and learn how to solve problems. Additional videos on the selected topic are provided. There is a search function and the ability to add a publication to your favorites. After the answer is displayed, a selection of similar questions from other users is shown. There is an opportunity to view comments from other experts or go to online resources for more information on the topic. A separate section contains a full description of the interface and features of the program. Recommendations for improving the efficiency of work are given, if necessary, you can contact the developers.Features
- solving problems on different subjects of the school program;
- selection of tutorials;
- step-by-step solution;
- access to lectures in video format;
- text recognition is supported;
- free download.
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