
Category: Other (Development)
System: Windows XP, Vista, 7, 8.1, 10
Program Status: Free
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Havij is a software that uses the SQL declarative programming language to check for vulnerabilities in web resources. The application is distributed completely free of charge and is available to every user. Due to its features, the program is an effective hacking tool.
The program was developed to identify and check vulnerabilities on web pages. This is usually the main purpose of this application. But most often Havij is used to hack sites and programs using SQL code injection into the system. Therefore, the application has received the status of hacking software.Working principle
Havij can hack websites or programs by modifying arbitrary SQL code. The concatenation method is used for this purpose. If the website is successfully hacked, the program can modify the algorithm of the user's query execution, using this for its own purposes. During the hacking process, the program leaves an imprint in the database and then the required data can be imported from the system. The database becomes vulnerable and accesses the user base and administrator account information. In this way Havij gains access to the front-end of the database and the back-end part of the web service. This hack allows to execute various commands and queries on the server and view data on the client-server side.Features
Havij allows the owner to perform password hashing and database dumping. The program can perform various types of SQL code injection into the system. The hacker supports HTTPS protocol and works with modern DBMSs (MySQL, Oracle, PostgreSQ). At the user's request, Havij supports various proxy servers and can surf through multiple threads. The user can change the value of the SQL injection to be injected and set the desired ones. Before starting, the program offers a list of keywords, data types or tables to optimize the process. When working in Ha vij, it is necessary to take into account that the tool makes a detailed record of operations in a protocol, which is saved in a key folder upon completion of work. The graphical interface for the user is clear and convenient, and all the tools are placed in the program window.Features
- Checking and identifying vulnerabilities of a website or program;
- hacking sites by entering SQL code;
- various deployment options;
- work with different types of DBMS;
- support for proxy servers and surfing through multiple threads.
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