
Category: Launchers and utilities
System: Windows XP, Vista, 7, 8.1, 10
Program Status: Free
Looking at the file: 15 067


Wottools is a special near-game software, which is focused on the world famous computer game World of Tanks from the Belarusian developers from the company "Wargaming.net". The program increases the frame rate in the game WOT and other Wargaming games in online mode. If you have a weak Internet connection and low system requirements, this utility will help you raise and maintain the FPS at the optimal level.

Working principle

The program works with engine_config.xml files and can make certain changes to the code. The electronic xml document contains the standard configurations of the game and editing its structure can significantly increase the framerate in World Of Tanks. Another application specification is to fix the configuration of other games from Wargaming. The unifying condition here is - the same engine.


The main task of the Wottools application is to remove the default FPS limitation in the game. By default, WoT and other Wargaming products run at 120 FPS. They cannot exceed this standard. This circumstance can hinder the owners of super-powerful PCs. They work at half power. And monitors with a high frame rate of 144 hertz, simply do not convey the fullness of the whole picture. It is for unlocking the set standards and the program is designed, it changes the lines in the xml file, save the changes and the game gives its potential maximum.


To increase the frame rate in the game follow the steps below:
  1. Launch the application;
  2. Open the game folder, namely "RES";
  3. Find the file "engine_config.xml".
Important! To be on the safe side and avoid reinstalling the game again, it is advisable to save the original file before making changes:
  1. Open the document and find the line "maxFrameRate";
  2. The value of 120 FPS specified in it is changed to 200;
  3. Now you have removed the frame restrictions and can safely proceed to the game.


  • Ability to increase the standard frame rate in games from the company "Wargaming";
  • The program can edit and change the values of xml files;
  • Simple and clear interface of the application;
  • Making changes is manual and consists of a few simple steps;
  • The software is open and completely free of charge.
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