
Category: Other (Communication)
System: Android 4.3
Program Status: Free
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BlueSystem dating site is a convenient option for finding a future companion and life partner. In the crazy rhythm of everyday life, it is not always possible to get out of the house to meet someone. Online dating saves time and nerves. There is a completed profile of the user of the site, thanks to which the first impression is created. To stay in touch and not miss notifications, you can use the BlueSystem app. The app has an option to check notifications in background mode. The concise interface is easy to use.

System features

The app is suitable for registered users to monitor notifications received from an adult dating site when the user is offline. If the application came to your eyes by chance and you are interested, but you don't have a registered account, it is quickly solved. The interface of the system allows you to fill out your profile from any gadget.

Customizing the application

The main functions of the application are to control two variables when the user is offline. The first is controlling the flow of incoming messages. You always want to see a message, especially when you are actively chatting and waiting for a reply. The second variable is new requests to add you as a friend. The settings in the application are only the most important. The main task of the settings is to control the volume of notifications and the time of their receipt. For example, you can set a ban on night notifications or create an hour of "silence". You can choose the silent mode or set only vibration. While using the silent mode, notifications will pop up on the screen, because it is not always appropriate to break the silence around with the sound of the gadget.


The BlueSystem website is a site for adults who are different in their views. This is a specific service for people with non-traditional orientation and for those who are open to experimentation in their sex life and are not afraid to fulfill their fantasies. This application is created only for monitoring the received notifications. The developers do not provide functionality for communication.

Main features

  • monitoring of changes that occur in the account on the BlueSystem website;
  • possibility to create a "silent" mode by muting or switching to vibration mode;
  • restriction of receiving notifications at night;
  • possibility to create a profile using the application interface;
  • the application supports all current Android versions.
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