Category: Other (System)
System: Windows XP, Vista, 7, 8.1, 10
Program Status: Free
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MANWIS is a unique software solution, which is a kind of library that contains a large number of useful manuals for diagnostics of trucks and other vehicles manufactured by MAN. It is worth noting that there are also instructions for their repair.

Functionality and interface

Once you download this software, you will get a lot of useful information as well as instructions on how to diagnose various MAN vehicles. This solution will definitely come in handy for all owners of branded trucks and buses. The graphical shell is a set of windows, each of which is responsible for certain options. For ease of use, the entire interface is divided into zones and items, as well as small subheadings. In each instruction that is available in this tool, provided the presence of graphical schemes, as well as various additional guides. For greater convenience, the company that produces this software provides a full video tutorial, where you can clearly understand how to do this or that manipulation with the car.

Features of work

First of all, the program has not implemented the entire content translation, so that some content remains in the original language. This leaves the Russian-speaking community without full support from the MAN brand. But this is a small disadvantage, because MANWIS has full information about all vehicles that are sold and manufactured in the Russian Federation. It is worth noting that many users note that the convenience of the program is not better, but in general it is possible to master it without much difficulty.

Key features

  • Lack of full-fledged localization, so some manuals and guides are available in English, German or Russian. But almost all cars produced or sold in the territory of the Russian Federation have a full-fledged manual;
  • The menu is quite simple, but people who have not encountered anything like this before, such a solution may seem inconvenient;
  • The latest version of the Windows operating system does not respond well to a relatively old program;
  • A wide variety of content is available: text instructions, graphical diagrams, and video tutorials.
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