» Android » System » File managers » ES Explorer

ES Explorer

ES Explorer
Category: File managers
System: Android 4.0
Program Status: Free
Looking at the file: 7 620


ES Explorer is a free file manager that can easily replace the one that was already installed on the phone, however, it does not differ in the conveniences that this one is able to give. There are much more settings here, which will allow the user to make his device much more convenient for himself, and at the same time, to work with it as easily as possible. In the beginning it is worth to tell about its basic functionality, and then about the features that are available here.

Basic functionality

Using ES Explorer, each user can perform any standard actions that allowed to do their old file manager, which is built into the phone by default. Different manufacturers put their own systems, and they are not always user-friendly. In this app, everything is much more organic and simpler. Going into it, the user will see those files that he has on his device, will be able to manage them the way he wants. Everything is available here: editing, copying, deleting and much more. You will ask, but it could be done in a regular program, so why take up extra space in the phone, and you can get used to the interface? However, not everything is so simple.

Interesting features

For example, this client contains about 37 languages, which you can automatically activate by setting it as a system language. Also, the application will show those files that are hidden in the normal system and even give access to them. Also, it cleans the cache itself after it closes, preventing the device from becoming overgrown with junk files. Also, the user himself decides when to make a backup copy of the program, which is very convenient. And of course, you can play any audio files. The program is also able to analyze how much memory space is occupied, and then displays this information on the screen, clearly showing what the memory of the phone is full. But this is not the main thing. With the help of this application can also clean the RAM, closing all the processes that are not needed by the user, and even allows you to get that most cherished ROOT - access. Immediately warn, the latter is not for everyone, it must be used well, because otherwise you can break the system of the device.

Key features

  • Execution of all the standard functionality of the file manager;
  • Provides the user with Root - status;
  • Creates backup copies of programs as directed by the user;
  • There is a built-in audio player;
  • Works with more than 3 dozen languages.
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