» Windows » System » Drivers » DriverMax


Category: Drivers
System: Windows XP, 2003, Vista, 7, 8, 10, 11
Program Status: Free
Looking at the file: 2 358


DriverMax is a kind of software that helps its users to avoid performance problems by installing all kinds of drivers. Thanks to this utility, it is possible to save a huge amount of user's time, which would have been previously spent on searching for these very drivers for the system and components. To get all the performance of the computer, the user must take advantage of the installation of so-called drivers, which are programs created for the correct interaction of the system with components. After installing this program, the user can be sure that the entire system will give its maximum, allowing you to enjoy the absence of various errors, as well as completely disappear the famous screen of death. If before the user had to constantly update sites with drivers and install them with their own hands, now it is enough to use one utility, which is called "DriverMax". The program does everything itself, up to the fact that it finds drivers for even not the most significant components of the entire computer. When first launched, the utility analyzes the entire operating system and on the screen the user will be able to get all the available information about the installed drivers and versions. It will also be possible to use a list that will show the available devices in the computer. The user, after the installation operations have been done, can create his own copy which he can save and use

Program Features

  • The program provides a report on all available drivers, and save the resulting information can be in HTM or TXT format;
  • Ability to quickly create a backup copy, and can be used for all components;
  • You can use the installation of the necessary drivers from the created copy;
  • Check the automatic nature of the installation of new drivers or system components;
  • The user can choose the list of drivers to be updated in the future.
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