
Category: Other (System)
System: Android 4.3
Program Status: Free
Looking at the file: 6 494


xDrip is a program for Android, which gives you the ability to manage blood glucose levels. The program is an element of a hardware and software complex. It allows you to collect data from sensors that control the client's blood sugar level. The information is sent to the Mongo server and is open for viewing on the Azur web resource.

Nuances of application

It is necessary to take into account that the program functions only together with the complex of devices. The program is compatible with Dexcom G4 transmitters and sensors. To function with the program requires a radio module Vixon and Bluetooth transmitter. The module collects information from the transmitter. The collected data is then sent via Bluetooth to the Android gadget.


The program takes the information that is transmitted from the transmitter and shows the blood glucose level in a graph format. The received data are sent to the Mongo database. They can be seen on the Azur web resource. A constant internet connection is required. Sensor information is received constantly, and the data in the program is consistently updated. This allows the client to manage blood sugar levels in any location, wherever he is. The program is compatible with Android Vear. There is the ability to receive information on a smart watch, such as Galaxy Watch.


  • The program is available for free;
  • Gives the ability to manage blood glucose levels;
  • Funktsioneret only in conjunction with a set of devices;
  • Plug-in Receives from the transmitter and contains information;
  • Requires constant internet connection;
  • The above program uses Bluetooth to communicate with the transmitter;
  • The above mentioned Program is compatible with new Android types.
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