Category: Recording
System: Android 4.4
Program Status: Free
Looking at the file: 422


It is not always possible to watch your favorite TV shows or series on TV, in this case the phone will help you, and a special application TV HD will make viewing convenient, and most importantly free. With the help of this interface you can watch any channel from a huge catalog. The program is able to create a video archive, so you can view the broadcast of any age, as well as it is able to work in "picture-in-picture" mode, and if the user is afraid to forget, you can put a notification and the program will remind you to watch in advance.

TV equipment

In free access are open:
  1. Channel One;
  2. STS;
  3. Russia;
  4. NTV;
  5. Match TV;
  6. Friday.
This is only a small list of channels that can be viewed online around the clock. However, the developers immediately warn that some channels may be broadcast intermittently, this is due to the bans of copyright holders. Despite the lack of payment in the application there are paid subscriptions. You can choose one channel, or you can choose several channels in a package. There are combined channels in directions: beauty, sports, serials. Payment is made with the help of a well-known service, instantly, by debiting the linked account.


You can use the picture-in-picture option, which is available if your smartphone is running Android 8 or higher. In this case, the picture will go on top of the already running applications. If there is no such need, you can watch in the classic, full-scale version. If the channel has an "A" icon, it means that the programs on it are recorded and go into the archive.

Uniqueness of the program

  • The program is absolutely free, downloaded and installed very simply;
  • Possibility to place commercials;
  • There are interesting offers for paid packages;
  • Ability to connect a smartphone to a standard TV;
  • Options to choose the connection speed;
  • All domestic channels are freely available;
  • Compatibility with modern cell phones.
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