easy ten

Category: Education and e-books
System: Android 4.1
Program Status: Free
Looking at the file: 337
easy ten is a mobile Android service for expanding the vocabulary of different languages. It allows you to choose your level of mastering a particular language. Through the utility you can prepare for language exams.
Declared functionality
When you first turn on the mobile utility, it asks for a large number of permissions. Among them are: call control, user location, contact list, built-in microphone. The developers of the program claim that this is necessary for the operation of the algorithm, which selects a personal set of studied words based on user interests. The creators of the utility say that this is how learning becomes more exciting. After the user gives all the required permissions, the utility will offer to choose two languages: native and studied. The number of languages available for learning is not so many: German, Italian, English, Portuguese, French, Portuguese and Spanish. The learning process itself is very simple. Each day a person is given ten unlearned words. The presented words can be listened to in order to memorize their correct pronunciation. Also, if necessary, the user can choose the words he needs from the extensive list. In addition, the service offers to take part in competitions with other users and train in a special mode.Failures and errors
This utility was tested to verify the claimed capabilities. As a result, it was found that some aspects of the application are underdeveloped. For example, it is impossible to pass the training mode, as there are no example phrases. Other users complain about various glitches while using the program. For example, if you open the curtain with the calendar, the user will not be able to minimize it. The only solution is to turn off the utility. The most obvious reason for malfunctions is that the service was originally developed for older versions of the mobile OC. The creators of the utility long ago stopped releasing updates for the program. The last time changes were made to the application in 2015. At the same time, it is worth noting that there is a chance not to encounter failures. On different models of phones, the application worked with varying degrees of stability.Features
- Free utility for learning unfamiliar languages;
- The presence of paid training modules;
- The program has problems with stability;
- Compatibility with early versions of OC.
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