
Category: Other (Development)
System: Windows XP, Vista, 7, 8.1, 10
Program Status: Free
Looking at the file: 11 061


Acts as a standard programmer for microcontroller devices that have EEPROM. Works with any interface ports of the devices. Access is free of charge. PonyProg2000 is a free software product that allows you to reprogram microprocessor circuits.


The application will be useful for reprogramming microprocessor circuits involved in amateur design. It is also useful in order to reprogram various gadgets that belong to users. Such gadgets include car stereos, cell phones with outdated systems, television receivers and printer devices. For printers, PonyProg2000 is used to counteract factory protection mechanisms, which prevents the reuse of refilled cartridges instead of purchasing new ones.


I would like to emphasize that the application has one worthwhile feature - the PonyProg software tool is ready to work in pair with an add-on in the form of a special physical adapter. The following brands and models can be included in the number of programmers that support the application: AVR ISP, EasyI2C, Ludipipo, STK 200/300 and some others. It is possible to connect via COM port. The program can read and record codes from the gadget to be "cracked" and edit them by changing bytes, wiping memory and reprogramming FUSE bits. Users should know that connecting the adapter should be done with the computer system disconnected. Failure to follow this warning may result in the device becoming unusable. Before proceeding to work, it is necessary to synchronize the operation of the software with the connected adapter. Having started the software, find the model of the adapter used in the settings menu - its name and brand and only after that start "hacking" the technical device.

Some nuances

  • the software tool cannot work without adapter hardware;
  • the software application can be supported by the following adapter devices: DT-006 AVR, JDM, AVR ISP, EasyI2C and other interface solutions;
  • is able to work with microcontroller devices of car receivers and tape recorders, as well as with obsolete versions of "cell phones";
  • connection to a personal computer is made via COM port;
  • the interface of the software is rather primitive, which affects the simplicity of operation;
  • documentation is translated into Russian;
  • access is absolutely free.

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