
Category: Services
System: Android 4.4
Program Status: Free
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Yango is a program for Android devices with which you can order cab services. There is no need to call anywhere, as all actions are performed inside the mobile utility. There is a map on which you can mark the initial and final destination.

Order placement

When first turned on, the mobile program will ask for the right to track the user's location. This step is not mandatory, since it is possible to specify addresses independently using the built-in map. You can also use the line in which the location of the start and end point of the route is entered.


The built-in algorithm analyzes the current state of the city roads, including accidents and traffic jams. As a result of the analysis, the most convenient route is formed. The user can also see recommendations from the algorithm when selecting the places where the trip starts and ends. It informs about more cost-effective locations for getting in and out of the cab. Thus, you can spend less money on the trip. In a separate menu item, information about past cab rides is saved. This data is used by the mobile service to predict the addresses needed by the user. The service supports the creation of routes that have several additional stops along the way.

Fare plans

The price of ordering a cab can vary due to a number of factors, including the user's locality. Also, the cost is affected by the workload of cab drivers and the expected duration of the trip. Another factor is the fare chosen by the user. They are divided by car models and drivers' experience. After placing an order, the cost will not change.


  • Free installation;
  • Access to cab ordering service;
  • Built-in map for route planning;
  • Full functionality on new versions of OC;
  • Payment in cash or by bank card.
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