VNC Scanner

VNC Scanner
Category: Other (Network)
System: Windows XP, Vista, 7, 8.1, 10
Program Status: Free
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Provides convenience to scan ports that have a graphical shell. Works streaming and can check IP range. It is distributed for free. The application is the best known port scanner. It has a fairly user-friendly graphical shell (GUI). Earlier versions were in the form of console applications, and this led to problems during scanning, which was confirmed by many users. The latest version of the software works without defects and its operation has become easier. Additionally, the scanning program has received some advanced functionality, with which there will be acquaintance below the text.

Working capabilities

Before launching the application, load a list of IP addresses for the scan, specifying the ports you are looking for. The software tool is trained to analyze IPs within ranges that can be written in the format: "rr.rr.rr.rr.rr.rr.rr.rr.rr.rr.rr.rr.rr.rr.rr.rr.rr.rr.rr.rr". Performing more extensive tasks, the software product works in a multi-threaded range. It can support up to five hundred (!) threads at a time. But the "speed" of this solution is slightly, but still inferior to a similar service - the software product KPortScan but, if you read the data from interested users who share information on forums, has much greater accuracy, unlike its faster counterpart. Additional functionality that the program provides is the import of information from text files and the ability to export in the same format. In addition, the program can load possible ranges of IP-addressing when determining the states. Quite easily you can select the desired country in the provided list of states and click on the "Get IP list" button. The program will then start parsing scan data from the existing library of data available from the service.


Such software tools are designed to hack IP cameras using remote access. But the cameras are not protected and this can hardly be considered hacking. Cameras can be accessed with a login and password. You can search for IP-addresses with cameras by settlements with the help of a thematic Internet resource. Often there there is much more accurate information about the host than any program will give.

Some nuances

  • is produced by the port scanner in several streams;
  • recognizes ranges and imports information in text format;
  • has a convenient graphical user interface (GUI);
  • displays information about online activities;
  • compatible with any version of Windows;
  • downloaded and distributed free of charge.
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