
Category: Other (System)
System: XP, Vista, 7, 8, 10
Program Status: Free
Looking at the file: 510
JVM acts as a virtual machine and is the main component of the Java platform. The module ensures correct operation of various programs that actively use the popular environment. If the component is absent on the PC, various problems may occur, up to the inoperability of individual programs.
Brief description
If the software does not work correctly, the user will not be able to download and run files of a certain type. An interpreter is integrated into the virtual machine, which allows for high speed compilation and file definition. It is this platform to provide all the functionality and interaction when working with files with the extension .jar and .class. It is also possible to fully manage JAVA memory.Functionality
A set of classes is built into the program, which allows compilation. At this stage, a binary file type (extension .class) is automatically generated. The file uses a complex structure, there are subheadings and descriptions. The description section contains references to the subclass and parent class. The main part of objects in the program are implemented as dynamic objects that automatically receive the Object class. In this case, all files that are used in the JVM have a number of the same attributes, which allows the system to automatically monitor them for operability. A similar algorithm is used at the stage of collecting unnecessary files for further automatic deletion from the system.Key features
- the application provides launching and functioning of programs based on the java platform;
- acts as a full-fledged virtual machine, working in tandem with javac;
- there is a set of classes to pass the compilation stage;
- provides the ability to interact with .jar and .class files;
- the component can be downloaded free of charge.
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