» Windows » Development » PowerMill


Category: Development
System: Windows 10
Program Status: Free
Looking at the file: 876


PowerMill is a Windows application, which is a CAM platform. Such systems are actively used by specialists to design various parts and complex assemblies that will be further manufactured on CNC machines. A special algorithm allows you to find the optimal processing mode and form the appropriate set of commands for the machine.


After launching the application, the main workspace is activated, in which the future part is designed step by step. You can export a file created in other design platforms (e.g. AutoCAD). While working, you can change the scale, rotate the workpiece and manually specify the exact dimensions of certain elements. It is possible to switch to the classic 2D drawing mode.


The main function of the program is to use the created pattern to form the tool path during machine operation. It is possible to automate this stage through the active use of macros and various templates from the built-in set. There is a possibility to increase the quality of machining to a level after which no additional polishing of the surface is required by means of a special algorithm. There is a full-fledged simulation mode of machine operation, which allows you to identify all inaccuracies or errors. This saves both time and material in case of defective parts in the manufacturing process.


  • Create 3D parts and drawings in a user-friendly interface;
  • ability to switch to standard flat pattern mode;
  • creation of programs for CNC machines;
  • export of files from other design applications;
  • simulation mode of the selected machine tool to search for errors;
  • support of built-in macros and scripts for process automation;
  • the program is paid.
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