
Category: Other (System)
System: XP, Vista, 7, 8, 10
Program Status: Free
Looking at the file: 518
The Algodoo app is a platform that allows you to conduct physical experiments on a virtual playground. It is also often used to create simple games - as an educational element. The user gets the opportunity to learn how to realize various natural phenomena in games. It contains an extensive library of various effects.
When launching the program, the program window opens with a working area and available elements. The user gets everything he needs to test his ideas and experiment with design. On the left side of the window there is a panel with drawing tools. The built-in palette allows you to create colorful virtual worlds. The interface is available only in English, but there are no difficulties with learning, everything is arranged quite logically.Features
Beginners are recommended to perform a number of experiments with basic physical laws. This will allow you to understand the basic principles of work and proceed to the creation of your own project. The finished work can be published in a special catalog on the network. It can be downloaded, studied and finalized by other users. Similarly, you can search for projects of other users to finalize and study. In the process of work you can use a wide range of tools to form a game environment. You can realize various physical phenomena - snow, realistic rain, wind and so on.Features
- the platform allows you to independently create game locations;
- can be used as a simulator of physical phenomena;
- the interface is available in English only;
- the ability to publish your project and study the projects of other users;
- the utility is available for free.
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