Category: Other (System)
System: XP, Vista, 7, 8, 10
Program Status: Free
Looking at the file: 1 919


The WIN MIROBO application allows you to replace the commands for the vacuum cleaner robot by adding the Russian language. The main interface is realized as a command line.

Principle of operation

Beforehand, you need to know the IP address and token of the device. Then you need to open the main system file of the program and manually specify the obtained data. Before closing the file it is necessary to save the changes. At the next stage it is necessary to open the settings in the Mi Home platform. At the stage of settings, the vacuum cleaner should be put on charge, it will allow full interaction with the program part. Then you need to run the file win-mirobo.bat to start the command line. In the upper part of the window will be a list of available commands, you need to select the second item - Flash voise package. To confirm, you need to press Enter. After the installation process of the necessary files, all commands will be translated into Russian.

Program Features

The program uses a very simple command line based interface. However, the number of actions is minimal, so there are no difficulties in work. The main task is to replace the English commands for interacting with the vacuum cleaner with Russian analogs, which significantly simplifies the use of the robot. Installation is not required, the application is portable. It is enough to unzip the archive to an arbitrary directory and run the desired file. If the Device handshake error appears during operation, you need to check the IP address, perhaps it is specified incorrectly. It is necessary to enter the correct data again and check the connection.


  • the program allows even inexperienced users to replace the commands for the vacuum cleaner robot;
  • no installation is required;
  • to change the firmware you need to know the IP and token of the device;
  • simple interface.
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