
Category: Other (Portable Devices)
System: Windows 7, 8.1, 10
Program Status: Free
Looking at the file: 13 200


PPHelper is an application developed by experts that frees users of Apple-based devices from the need to purchase content from the AppStore for money. This program helps to install games and various programs absolutely free of charge. You can do this while having an iOS device at hand and there is no need to use the Jailbreak imposed on many people. PPHelper is focused on installing certain types of content on "apple" devices. This content can be a variety of games and applications. It is important to know that you cannot download music or movies with PPHelper. To use PPHelper you don't need to install Jailbreak, this program is offered to users on a completely free basis and can easily be installed not only on gadgets, but also on computers and laptops with Windows operating system. For PPHelper to work correctly, you need Windows XP or its more advanced version. The most important and unpleasant nuance is that the program has not yet been translated into English, let alone Russian, so its interface is still only in Chinese. This is the reason why new users may have difficulties in mastering the functionality of PPHelper at the first stage of getting acquainted with the program. If you consider yourself a professional user who is well versed in the intricacies of modern technologies and has previously had the opportunity to deal with PPHelper.

Key features of PPHelper:

  • The program is available for use absolutely free of charge;
  • no Jailbreak is required for installation;
  • the software interface is in Chinese only;
  • advanced users can easily navigate the program;
  • applications and games are mostly translated into English, as well as into Russian;
  • the program can be installed not only on small gadgets, but also on computers.
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