
Category: Editors
System: Windows XP, Windows Vista, Windows 7, Windows 8, Windows 8.1, Windows 10
Program Status: Free
Looking at the file: 275
Notepad2 is a Windows application that is a text editor with an extensive set of additional functions. It supports syntax highlighting mode when working with program code. A large set of options for text formatting, working with encoding and display mode is built in.
Working with a document
The application allows you to view, edit and create text documents. The mechanism of working with encoding and displaying additional characters is elaborated. When opening a file, the program automatically determines the file format and uses the required set of parameters. This allows you to open files created in other programs. If necessary, the encoding can be quickly changed.Program code
Syntax highlighting schemes for all common programming languages are built in. The scheme can be changed in the settings. Line numbering, marking of unclosed brackets and automatic indentation are supported. Other gross errors are also highlighted. The built-in search module allows you to use regular expressions to work with templates. There is a character substitution function. It is possible to search for text in a set of files. A separate section of the menu contains additional options for customizing the interface. You can change the text size, formatting, activate line numbering, hyphenation features and much more. At the stage of saving a file, additional options are available that relate to the selected extension.Features
- The application is a text editor with a large set of features;
- syntax highlighting support for programming languages;
- regular expressions can be used for searching;
- a large number of encodings are supported;
- free download.
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