
Category: Other (System)
System: XP, Vista, 7, 8, 10
Program Status: Free
Looking at the file: 323


This error, as a rule, is often encountered in the process of launching games, applications. The essence is that in the software components, as a rule, there is a failure, or some additional drivers are not installed, which you need to know about.

The main causes of the malfunction

Highlighting the true cause of the appearance of the error, then, first of all, it lies in the corruption of files. For example, there may have been a compatibility issue when the game was launched. There are other reasons as well, and you need to familiarize yourself with them carefully. For example, it is the corruption of drivers, other system components. So, you should definitely check all this.

Eliminating the error

In case the error appeared, for example, as a result of incompatibility of operating systems, then to remove the problem, you need to go to the properties of the application, be sure to check the box, doing this against the compatibility tab. Everything is easy and simple. There is another option that you can give preference to, and that is to run the program as administrator.

5 ways to solve the problem

  • First of all, you should try to update the drivers, components, doing it in a mandatory manner;
  • Next, you need to check the latest version of drivers on the video card;
  • You can run the game by doing it as administrator, as this is one of the best ways to solve the problem;
  • Of course, you can open the program, check the boxes, doing so against the compatibility tab;
  • Or, you can reinstall the net Framework component.


It is up to you to find the best, optimal and convenient way to solve the problem.
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