Category: Other (System)
System: XP, Vista, 7, 8, 10
Program Status: Free
Looking at the file: 47 363


The CPUCool application allows you to find out detailed information about the main components of your computer and optimize Windows performance. It is possible to read data from temperature sensors.

Control Panel

All basic information is displayed on the start window of the program. Several modes are available for viewing, switching is performed using a separate button. You can find out the operating mode of the hard disk, RAM load, processor temperature and much more. For convenience, visual graphs are provided, the update period and data source can be changed. Programs of this type allows you to quickly identify abnormal operation of components to prevent failures. In particular, increased temperature inside the case reduces the service life of all nodes. Therefore, it is important to ensure the correct thermal mode in advance. It is also necessary to periodically diagnose hard disks to avoid losing important files. After a drive failure, the cost of retrieval can be quite high, and there is also the possibility of complete data loss.


To change the parameters, you need to open the "Options" tab. You can change the color scheme, scale, disable inscriptions and activate the mode of displaying on top of other windows. To activate additional functions, go to the corresponding section. This section allows you to activate SMART technology for diagnostics of the drive, activate forced cooling of the processor if the current load initiates temperature rise.


  • the application allows you to collect information about hardware nodes and current operating mode;
  • a convenient graphical format is used for output;
  • customization of data display mode and design;
  • free download.
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