
Category: Drawing
System: Windows XP, Windows Vista, Windows 7, Windows 8, Windows 8.1, Windows 10
Program Status: Free
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icofx is a multifunctional Windows editor designed for creating and modifying logos, shortcuts, icons and other graphic content. At the same time, users can design not only static, but also animated icons. It is allowed to import images from other sources.

Start of work

On the start page of the application, the user will notice a number of items. Each of them is responsible for the type of graphic content. At this stage, the user needs to click on the desired type of project, after which the computer program will open a window with the editor. It should be noted that the free version of the editor can be used for one month. Then the user will be asked to purchase a license. On the official website of the creators, three variants with a different set of tools are available. The cheapest version of the license is identical in functionality to the trial version, but has no time limit.


The application is equipped with a mass of useful tools, with the help of which the user is able to create the most suitable cursor, label, logo or other graphic content. The computer program has an extensive catalog of brushes, visual effects, geometric shapes, and more. User can freely use any of them in his project. The utility supports working with multi-layer projects. The user only needs to click on the corresponding option, after which the editor will add a new layer. This makes it possible to develop three-dimensional icons. User is able to fine-tune the parameters of brightness, contrast, color temperature and so on. The utility also allows you to load images from other sources into the project.


  • Ability to create and modify shortcuts, cursors, etc;
  • Support for many file extensions, including SVG, PNG and BMP;
  • The free version of the editor has a time limit;
  • Compatible with current versions of computer OC.
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