» Windows » System » Other (System) » Opel TIS 2000

Opel TIS 2000

Opel TIS 2000
Category: Other (System)
System: Windows XP, Vista, 7, 8.1, 10
Program Status: Free
Looking at the file: 19 227


Opel TIS is an application that will be a great assistant in diagnosing Opel cars. The program is built on the principle of an electronic catalog containing service and repair manuals. The solution really seems to be the most convenient of all similar programs, as it expands the possibilities for the user. Now the driver can easily find not only information on how to properly diagnose his car, but also to study the documentation, which means that even the most distant from the knowledge of the functioning of the car a person can cope with the breakdown. A special place among the documents available to the user, take instructions for diagnostics and troubleshooting of the car system. Opel TIS is equipped with a main menu, which consists of the following sections:
  • Software Download;
  • Inspection;
  • Service Programming;
  • Access to protected areas;
  • Operating time standards;
  • Upload/Display Snapshot and others.
In order to select the vehicle to be tested, the user will need to enter the VIN code. The data requested by the user is displayed on the screen in text format, additionally the information is accompanied by various flow charts, tables and graphs, respectively increasing the chances of data perception. Opel TIS application has several features. So, working with it is possible only when using older versions of Windows. Therefore, unfortunately, owners of modern software will be either difficult or almost impossible to work with the program. Attention should also be drawn to the fact that the application supports working only with 32-bit systems. As for the interface of the application, it is completely written in English, but in the menu there is a function that allows you to translate the program into Russian. But the amount of information in the language of the manufacturer is much wider than in the Russian version, so knowledge of a foreign language will not hurt, of course, in extreme cases, you can use a translator. So, if we talk briefly about the Opel TIS application, we can present it as an integrated reference system, which contains information necessary for owners of Opel cars on diagnostics and elimination of problems that have arisen with the car. And data in the form of tables, graphs and diagrams allow you to study the functioning of the car in more detail, plus the Russian-language interface to help.
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