EDraw Max

EDraw Max
Category: Other (System)
System: XP, Vista, 7, 8, 10
Program Status: Free
Looking at the file: 299


The EDraw Max program is designed to help you perform analytical tasks related to graphing and charting. This may be required by various professions, ranging from architects to designers. In addition to diagrams, the utility allows you to create high-quality infographics.


The main job is to add the chart shapes you need to use right now to the workspace. The left side of the application contains all these elements, which you can drag and drop to the right side to enter values into them. If you select the wrong element, you can delete it using the Delete button on the keyboard. The library has about 6 thousand elements, each of which may be required for different tasks.


When all the blocks are created, they can be placed with each other to create a complete business graphic. For this purpose, connectors are added, which make it possible to link all elements to each other, making them turn into a full-fledged information graphic, diagram, and so on. It is worth noting that objects have restrictions on the number of maximum allowable points. If you lack the specified value, you can simply use the Connection Points tool. To simplify your work, you can use the built-in hotkey function on your keyboard.

Main Features

  • The application allows you to create business graphs, charts and other infographics;
  • To work, you need to select analytical figures from the library and transfer them to the workspace;
  • More than 6 thousand figures are available;
  • You can work with hotkeys.
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