Category: Other (System)
System: XP, Vista, 7, 8, 10
Program Status: Free
Looking at the file: 446


ICD is a computer program used to diagnose the control system of VAZ car engines.

Features of application and capabilities of ICD

When turned on, the utility checks all electronic control units (ECUs) of the car engine. Unlike analogs, ICD is able to automatically determine the type of ECU. At the end of diagnostics, the program gives full information about the existing problems. If necessary, all errors can be erased at the touch of a button. After deletion, the user has the opportunity to restore the standard settings and values.

What functions ICD performs

With the help of the utility, car owners can get a detailed decoding of the detected error and control the operation of car units in "real time". The program also allows you to improve the functioning of the engine and idling, adjust the CO in the injector. Due to a large set of functions and practical interface, the program can be used by any inexperienced user who is not familiar with computer technology. In addition, the utility allows you to check the functioning of radiator fans, ignition coil, air conditioner and injectors. The main advantages of ICD include:
  • a wide variety of options that allow you to perform diagnostics on your own and without the help of a specialist;
  • the program helps to correct and delete all fault codes;
  • during diagnostics, users receive full information about errors in the units (if any);
  • faults and malfunctions can be easily removed by pressing just one button;
  • the program improves idling functions and checks digital converters.
To use ICD, you must first install it on a laptop or PC and connect the computer to the vehicle's control unit. Once connected, open the program and make the connection using a standard adapter.
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