Category: Other (System)
System: XP, Vista, 7, 8, 10
Program Status: Free
Looking at the file: 470
ILSpy application allows you to view and decompile .NET assemblies. It is possible to make changes to the decompiler, and support for the IL Disassembly platform is provided.
The interface allows users to open package contents and make changes. The right side panel is used for code output, the left side contains the main program menu. The menu, in turn, is divided into two sections - the assembly tree and the output of information about the selected element. It is possible to load files from GAC and open Nuget packages.Features
It is possible to customize decompiler parameters, correct debugging symbols and change variable names. All changes made are saved automatically. The main control elements are placed on the main panel, which makes it easier to work with the program. The configuration section allows you to customize all the necessary components, including the decompiler module and the debugger. The interface is available only in English, but the logical structure of controls makes it easy to work even if the user does not know the language. The code editor provides all the necessary tools for work. There is syntax highlighting, a system of hints while entering constructions, automatic error search. The errors found are accompanied by a description. Additional information on working with the program can be found in the help section. The main stages of work, menu items and interface elements are described. There is a collection of examples and recommendations for working. There is a convenient navigation bar by categories and a search window that allows you to quickly find all publications that mention certain words.Advantages
- convenient code editor;
- wide range of tools;
- no installation is required;
- user-friendly interface.
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