
Category: Development
System: Windows 8, Windows 8.1, Windows 10
Program Status: Free
Looking at the file: 354


Lobe is a software tool that allows users to create and test algorithms that detect specific objects in images. The application has a built-in neural network that facilitates the process of module development. The program was created by Microsoft, and to run it you need a device based on Windows 8 or a newer version.

Algorithm training

After opening the utility, the user will be prompted to add images that contain the desired element. In addition, the user will need to upload graphic content without the desired object. The next step is to create tags that denote the name of the elements. It should be noted that the computer application is also able to work with human emotions. Having performed the previously mentioned steps, a person will remain to activate the analysis procedure. It is necessary for the program to be able to determine the location of objects. Then the application will show the user the results of the analysis. If during this process the algorithm made mistakes, the user will be able to point them out. The algorithm built into the application performs its work on the user's device. Therefore, the data received by the utility is not sent to Microsoft servers.


When a person finishes training and testing the algorithm, he or she will be able to transfer the data to any cloud storage, such as OneDrive or Google One. In the future, the user is able to apply the developed algorithm for his own purposes, including adding it to a third-party program.


  • Ability to quickly create and test an algorithm for detecting emotions and objects in pictures;
  • Support for the latest versions of computer OC;
  • User does not need knowledge in programming;
  • The program does not send data to Microsoft servers;
  • Free installation and use;
  • English language interface.
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