
Category: Education and Science
System: XP, Vista, 7, 8, 10
Program Status: Free
Looking at the file: 312


Wordweb application allows you to translate words and phrases from English. The database contains about 160 thousand words of different subjects and 125 thousand antonyms. It supports hotkey control, which speeds up the work. Additional content can be downloaded from an external server.


During installation, the usual shortcut to the desktop is not added. All management is carried out through the system tray. After launching, the main program window opens, with a text input window at the top. It is possible to select it directly from the dictionary. Below there is a field for outputting the result - the synonym of the word, antonym and a number of usage examples are displayed. The program will be useful for those who are actively learning English - you can consolidate the result and learn new words.


The application allows the user to quickly get the meaning of the desired word. If the requested word is not in the dictionary, the program automatically connects to external sites to download the necessary content. Such services as Wiktionary, WordReference and Wikipedia are supported. There is a module for playing the selected word, to activate it you need to click on the button with the image of a note (upper right corner). The built-in algorithm will play the word in accordance with the rules of pronunciation. Specialists recommend using this mode directly in the learning process to immediately memorize the correct pronunciation. This noticeably increases the level of efficiency.


  • The application allows you to recognize the meaning of English words;
  • additionally displays examples of usage;
  • correct playback mode;
  • support for external resources;
  • free download.
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