
Category: Other (System)
System: XP, Vista, 7, 8, 10
Program Status: Free
Looking at the file: 331


MyPaint is a computer application for Windows-based PCs and laptops. The utility allows users to create various graphic content, including drawings and concept art. The software is not translated into Russian, but due to the intuitive interface users can quickly get used to the editor.

Purpose of the utility

The application is an editor for working with bitmap images. Basically, the toolkit of the program will be useful to artists. This is due not only to a large list of special tools, but also support for graphics tablets. The disadvantage of the program can be called only a small number of available extensions. Namely JPEG, ORA and PNG. However, if the artist needs another format, he can use third-party converters, such as Format Factory.

Creating drawings

After switching on the raster editor, the user will find a window with a completely empty canvas. It is worth noting that the user does not need to manually specify the ratio and size of the picture. The computer utility provides the artist with a canvas of unlimited dimensions. When saving the work, the editor will automatically determine the boundaries of the picture. Therefore, in the process of drawing, a person can not worry about it. The utility is equipped with a large number of tools. Including the editor has a collection of many pencils and brushes. They are allowed to customize them for their tasks. For example, the user can adjust the magnitude. Also, a person is able to manually select the shade of the tool through the palette.


  • A convenient editor for artists;
  • Compatible with a large number of Windows versions;
  • Flexibly customizable tools;
  • Supports the use of graphics tablets;
  • Unlimited canvas size.
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