
Category: Entertainment
System: Android 5.0
Program Status: Free
Looking at the file: 234


iVRy is an Android utility that allows you to turn your smartphone into a full-fledged virtual reality helmet without complicated manipulations. After configuration and synchronization, it becomes possible to run games based on VR, without purchasing special equipment and sensors.


The program integrates a driver for Steam VR and Open VR interfaces. It provides the launch of the game without purchasing additional hardware or software. The setup process is as simple as possible, no special skills are required. It is possible to use the USB connection of the drive, which provides higher performance. Also supported synchronization mode via Wi-Fi, it is much more convenient, but the stability of the signal may suffer. During operation, the application automatically adjusts the video quality with the help of a built-in algorithm to ensure the desired frame rate. This ensures smoothness in any mode, which is important for active games. Even minor interruptions cause discomfort. Manual mode is provided for adjusting the parameters.


The utility allows you to use a special QR code of VR-headset to correct distortions of the original image. Integration with Steam VR platform is provided, which allows to simplify the setup process - the main operations are performed in automatic mode. You can download your own driver for the selected VR-device. The application is fully compatible with most game projects. To work, you also need to connect a headset that supports working with a smartphone. Additionally, a Windows-based PC is required (version no lower than 7), DirectX version 11 and older is recommended. For control specialists and experienced users recommend the XBox 360 controller. A full list of hardware requirements can be found in the reference section.


  • the application allows you to use your smartphone to play virtual reality games;
  • automatic image correction mode;
  • ability to connect controller and headset;
  • free download.
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