
Category: Entertainment
System: Android 4.4
Program Status: Free
Looking at the file: 243
SkySafari is an Android application with an extensive catalog of space objects. You can identify constellations, learn information about comets, asteroids and other objects.
Astronomical map
The built-in database contains information about known galaxies, stars, and elements of the solar system. The catalog is constantly updated, and the Hubble Guide Star platform is used as a source. After launching the program with the help of GPS module automatically determines the current geolocation, there is also an opportunity to use the built-in compass during observations. The current time can be quickly changed manually by opening the desired tab. To determine the object it is necessary to use the camera, directing it to the desired area. Known stars are displayed as dots, constellations are supplemented with lines. You can scale the image and shift to the desired direction. To open the detailed description panel, you need to click on the icon with the letter i. Such elements appear near all known objects. A separate tab allows you to view recommendations for observing the starry sky taking into account the current time of day. In particular, you can find out the time of appearance of planets in the sky. There is a system of notifications about the appearance of bright satellites and other objects.Design parameters
In the settings, you can select the display mode - color, inverse or monochrome. Normal or enlarged fonts are supported. The visualization of the sky, horizon, Milky Way and major constellations can be activated separately. In the process, additional sound effects are used, which can also be customized. The list of available ones includes crickets, summer night, birds and others. A full list of available tools with descriptions can be found in the help section. Interface elements, customization features, database capabilities and so on are listed. There is a selection of recommendations that allows you to use all the advantages of the service.Features
- extensive catalog of objects is used;
- built-in compass
- a large number of design settings;
- sound effects;
- for known objects you can open a page with a detailed description;
- free download.
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