
Category: Entertainment
System: Android 4.4
Program Status: Free
Looking at the file: 329
Litrad is a program for Android devices that allows you to read literary works from the built-in collection. There are e-books of different genres, including novels and horror. There is a handy reader that supports customization of color design and more.
Electronic library
After launching the mobile utility, the user will get access to a huge in size collection with book works. All literary works are sorted into a variety of categories. Among them: adventures, novels, fantasy, modern and so on. In addition, the online service has a tab with the most popular works. It is worth noting that many books are provided on a paid basis. The user is allowed to purchase individual chapters or the entire work at once. However, the mobile utility has a special section with completely free books. After clicking on any book in the collection, a person will see its synopsis, user ratings, genres, word count and the name of the writer. In addition, one is allowed to read reviews by other users or write one's own. The service is equipped with an algorithm that monitors the user's preferences. Based on the user's activity, he is provided with a list of recommended works. The program also has a tab with all the latest releases.Built-in reader
The developers have added a convenient reader to the utility. With its help, the user can enjoy reading literature without leaving the program. While reading a book, a person is able to adjust the size of letters, change the color design of the reader and so on. In addition, the reader allows the user to independently choose the way he will turn the pages of the electronic work. A person can read literary works via the Internet or download the book into the memory of the portable device. In the second case, connection to the network will not be necessary.Features
- Service for searching and reading electronic works;
- Some books are available completely free of charge;
- There is a convenient reader with many settings;
- Customized recommendations are available;
- Full compatibility with most OC versions.
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