
Category: Drawing
System: Windows XP, Vista, 7, 8.1, 10
Program Status: Free
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Paint.NET is an application that was made as a more advanced version of the standard Paint. With its help, you can produce as well as work with various graphic files. In general, this software offers a larger set of tools as well as features. Paint.NET is a completely free graphic editor made by Microsoft, previously it was automatically installed with the Windows operating system. The application works correctly on all current versions of Windows, users who have problems installing on Win XP, it is recommended to use an earlier version of Paint.NET, namely 3.5.11 and earlier. To the system requirements can be attributed to the mandatory presence of a package of programs NET Framework and more than one gigabyte of RAM. Also, more than 200 megabytes of permanent memory are required to install the graphic editor. The application can in no way be called demanding, it will run on almost any device. For the most part, this software is a modified version of the usual Paint, with a wider functionality. Using it, you can work with layers, this function is not available in all free editors. Graphics editor works perfectly with vector type graphics, quality zoom up to 3200 percent is available. There are also additional effects, with which you can make the image much better and more beautiful. One of the main features is the ability to create full three-dimensional objects, while you can twist them. In the network there are a large number of forums, including the official one, where users post 3D models of various popular characters. You can download any of them, subsequently change it. If you are not enough standard set of options, you can at any time expand the functionality with the help of various plugins. Each user can zabindit their own "hot" keys, with which you can make the work times faster. The number of undoable actions is unlimited, so you can fix this or that error at any time, regardless of how many options were used.
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