» Android » Travel » Taxis and rides » SMSBUS Passenger

SMSBUS Passenger

SMSBUS Passenger
Category: Taxis and rides
System: Android 4.0
Program Status: Free
Looking at the file: 19 934


SMSBUS Passenger is an Android client through which users from Kazakhstan can buy a ticket for public transportation. As a means of payment they can choose either a cell phone account or a bank card.

How to start working in the application?

To enter the specified program, register in it using your phone number. Then choose the desired interface language. You are free to choose any convenient for you - there are both Kazakh and Russian localization. The phone number will be used by the software as a login. Citizens of Kazakhstan can request a one-time access code to enter the system. To get it, send an SMS containing the words PASSWORD or PAS to the short number 2505. You don't have to worry about its cost: there is no charge for sending the message. The following types of cards will be available to you: MasterCard, and Visa. A prerequisite for using bank cards is their registration in the system of Halyk Bank ePay. You can register your card in two ways: through the web-site or directly through the application we are describing. Here you can also familiarize yourself with the lists of city routes.

How to pay for public transportation?

If you want to buy a ticket directly in the program, look for a special code on the vehicle. It is usually located in the passenger compartment or on the body. You can also ask the driver or controller for the license plate number. In the section called "Payment" you can buy a ticket by specifying the license plate number or code of the vehicle. Users can also add route numbers and scan QR codes. Having paid for the fare, the user should show the controller the e-check sent to him.

Main options

  • The software product allows you to quickly buy a ticket for public transportation;
  • gives the opportunity to use not only a bank card but also a mobile account for payment;
  • the application generates an electronic receipt, which is needed to provide to the driver (or controller);
  • the program can be downloaded and used completely free of charge;
  • the utility works on all relatively modern versions of the Android mobile OC.
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