
Category: Working with Android devices
System: Windows XP, Vista, 7, 8.1, 10
Program Status: Free
Looking at the file: 22 558


This is a software tool required for flashing Samsung portable devices. A toolkit with maximum automation of installation processes and updating of software modules of the application. It is a popular software tool used in operations related to reflashing mobile gadgets with Android-based operating systems. The application can be used without paying for it. It can be downloaded on computer systems in Windows environment. The application is workable for XP and other latest "operating systems". The functioning of the specified software is associated with some nuances. This should be taken into account, so that your favorite computer did not turn into an object "devoid of feelings". The software is designed only for Android devices. And if the firm manufacturer of your gadget is not Samsung, then this software utility is not for this device at all. From different sites you can download different versions of the product. The interface in Russian, understandably, is more acceptable and understandable. But competitors warn those who use the russified version that it can turn the device into a lifeless set of materials. From the Internet it is possible to download both the desktop version and the mobile version. The latter allows you to flash gadgets without connecting them to the "staff". Using the application, it is necessary to fully charge the gadget and it is not recommended to disconnect it from USB during flashing, which is somewhat fraught with danger when performing flashing operations by some people

Some nuances

  • distributed free of charge;
  • using the English version reduces the risk of system failures of the device;
  • it is possible to use both the desktop client and flash devices through the mobile version;
  • it is necessary to choose the current version of the application, which depends on the date of manufacture of the device;
  • the software tool will not work with ZIP file format;
  • to specify the path to the firmware folder, use only Latin font.
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