DirectX 10

Category: Libraries and components
System: Windows XP, Windows Vista
Program Status: Free
Looking at the file: 279
DirectX 10 is a Windows application, which is a modern development environment and a set of important libraries. It is actively used for game applications, is responsible for processing sound and various effects. Developers can create realistic special effects, textures and full-fledged objects. The main purpose in the context of the operating system is to ensure the correct interaction of the video card with the OS. This is especially true when running modern games, which often use various technologies to ensure maximum realism. Graphics modules are produced by different companies, which complicates the formation of full compatibility.
The application consists of modules that are oriented to processing a certain type of data. For example, Direct3D is responsible for the rapid generation of three-dimensional primitives. The DirectInput function provides processing and recognition of commands from peripheral equipment (keyboard, joystick, game steering wheel and so on). A set of libraries can also be used by the system to play video and audio. DirectX Instruments technology is supported, which allows you to create effective software synthesizers based on the available API.Development
The provided set of modules is used both by developers and on ordinary PCs to ensure the correct launch of games. At the stage of creating a new game, programmers often include the required set of libraries in the distribution, which allows to provide the necessary functionality on different systems.Features
- A set of tools and libraries for developing modern games;
- are used to create textures, 3D objects and various special effects;
- provides correct interaction of video cards with other components of the computer;
- built-in module for processing commands from external devices;
- no graphical interface is used;
- the utility can be downloaded for free.
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