XInput1 4 dll

Category: Libraries and components
System: Windows 7, Windows 8, Windows 8.1, Windows 10
Program Status: Free
Looking at the file: 428
XInput1_4.dll library provides fast processing of data coming from peripheral input devices. It is actively used by games and other applications. By default, the component is installed in Windows together with the DirectX 11 package.
Causes of the error
If this file is unavailable for certain reasons, the application will not be able to load correctly and will display the corresponding error (usually the name of the file is mentioned in the text). Most often the source of the problem is a virus attack that damages the main modules of DirectX. It can also be an accidental deletion by the user or a conflict with other programs. It is recommended that you first check the system for malicious code to exclude this option. This can be done with any antivirus, running a full PC scan. It is also worth adding the module to antivirus exceptions, in some cases this helps to solve the problem.Installation
To restore the file manually, you need to open the C:Windows folder, then, depending on the OS bitness, find the SysWOW64 or System32 directory and copy the library to it. It should be taken into account that administrator rights are required for this operation. Then you should register the new library. To do this, open the standard command line and enter the construct "regsvr32 XInput1_4.dll", wait for a message about successful registration and reboot the system.Features
- system library provides processing of commands from input devices;
- is often used by game applications;
- is a part of DirectX package;
- to restore the file it is enough to copy it to the necessary directory and register it through the console;
- the library can be downloaded for free.
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