MP3Gain MP3Gain
MP3Gain allows you to equalize the volume of all MP3 files on your device. The original quality is preserved. The interface is simple and only English is available. Brief descriptionAfter launching
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Atomic Alarm Clock Atomic Alarm Clock
Atomic Alarm Clock is a Windows application that serves as an alternative to the standard clock. It provides the ability to change the display settings of the current date and time. You can set
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FreeSpacer FreeSpacer
FreeSpacer utility for Windows provides the ability to search and erase temporary files. Similar to Clean Space, this program looks for invalid shortcuts, empty directories and other unnecessary
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USB Repair Tool USB Repair Tool
USB Repair Tool is a program that allows you to recover information, correct errors and format flash drives from the manufacturer Apacer. Despite the lack of Russian language, the interface is
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Dragon UnPACKer Dragon UnPACKer
Dragon UnPACKer is a specialized application that allows you to unpack archives that include game assets. Thanks to it, you can replace or completely extract media files. A huge advantage is that the
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RS File Repair RS File Repair
RS File Repair is a software that can be installed on your Windows device. It is designed to repair damaged files. To do this, the application analyzes the data structure and corrects existing
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ZOTAC FireStorm ZOTAC FireStorm
ZOTAC FireStorm utility is designed for those who want to improve the performance of their graphics card. There are several functions available for this purpose, starting from monitoring and ending
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Extremely useful utility GeoIP is intended for use by developers of web sites and mobile applications. In essence, it is a complete database that contains information about IP addresses and their
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Multidiag Pro Multidiag Pro
Multidiag Pro is a specialized Windows utility designed to work with the scanner of the same name. Thanks to the program, users can diagnose their car for various malfunctions. Among other things,
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Wunderlist Wunderlist
Wunderlist is a Windows application for desktops and laptops. The toolkit available in the program is intended for making various lists. Thanks to it, users can prepare a list of work tasks,
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